testing okhttp java library though ubuntu terminal
ubuntu java okhttp ubuntu terminal
10 Feb 2017
I wanted to add okhttp library to an android app and noticed that I could also use the same library in a regular java file. So I went for it. Good thing they provided some sample code.
1. Download the Code
Get the libraries for okttp
and okio
, you have to enclose the wget
for okio because it contains an ‘&’ and also provide the output file name otherwise it will save it with an inconvenient name
wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/squareup/okhttp3/okhttp/3.6.0/okhttp-3.6.0.jar
wget -O okio.jar "https://search.maven.org/remote_content?g=com.squareup.okio&a=okio&v=LATEST"
Fetch the sample code as well and remove the package name[package okhttp.guide] just to make things simpler.
wget https://raw.github.com/square/okhttp/master/samples/guide/src/main/java/okhttp3/guide/GetExample.java
2. Build the code.
I had a hard time figuring out how to do this but the trick was using the wild card in the classpath argument sent to javac
. That will include any jar files within the current directory.
javac -cp "*" GetExample.java
3. Run the code
This part actually caused me most of the problem if you don’t include current directory in the classpath argument you will run into Error: Could not find or load main class GetExample
java -cp “.:./*” GetExample.java